Started it up around 1:30PM today. Ran it for 10 min at hihger RPM's. Turned if off and started it up and ran for 10min more. No events. I absolutly can't not believe the Pro-Systems carb. I was told not to screw with it and for once I did not- I adjusted the rear float bowel and it even idels around 900RPM's. These guys are serious- this is my first custom carb- I will never use off the shelf again!
1. Remove any marks on your SS side pipes with thinner before fire up- yes they will Leave a Tatoo.
2. Hook up the crankcase vent system before or you will get
oil over the back of engine not much but a mess.
3. It idels at operating temp between 40 & 45 PSI- I did not put in the extra OP spring. Just stright Percision Bluprinted.
4. 3000RPM right at 80psi.
5. With the electric & carter pump I only see 6psi of fuel with the bypass reg. I fooled with it but that was max. I need to figure that out.
oil leaks or water leaks. The kirkham fan really pulls air.