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Old 02-25-2008, 05:43 PM
ztarum ztarum is offline
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Default Boiling gas in the float bowls?

Now that I finally have my car street legal I have had a chance to go on some longer drives. The other day I came back from a 30 minute spin, and parked for the evening. Later that night I went back out to the garage for something and noticed the smell of raw gas. I looked the car over and there were no leaks, but I noticed I couldn't see any gas in the float bowl sight glasses. After opening to door to air out to garage I turned the key on and the float bowls re-filled.

The next morning the level was still the same (1/2 way) and no smell. So today I go for another drive. When I stop at my destination I pop the hood to verify level, which there is. I come back an hour later and again no gas.

Now I drive it back home and park. Check the levels, yep half way. I feel the bowls and they are nice and cool. This time I leave the hood propped to see what happens. I came back out after an hour or so and again I can smell gas, but not as strong as the other day. This time I look closely and I can see the gas "jiggling" every so often through the sight glasses.

It looks to me like the heat of the engine is boiling the gas out of the bowls once the car us parked. Has anyone else had this problem? Will a simple heat shield from Summit or elsewhere solve the problem? I should mention that the carb is a 650 Speed Demon on a 351W.

Last edited by ztarum; 02-25-2008 at 05:46 PM..
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