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Okay Guys,
I have heard about enough. Again, I need to be the self-appointed voice of calmness and reason. You guys are talking about car color for gosh sakes and you have forgotten the topic of this thread. I mean talking about car color??? I am shocked and amazed. This is a level to which I would never, ever stoop.
Chris, look, I loved the picture of the ‘fast’ red car, but – you should be ashamed of yourself. We all know that car has clutch problems cause by the extreme amount of torque it produces. I mean have you ever seen the burn outs?
And Wolfe you know Silver cars should not be driven to the South-Side. Though the driver may be out fitted in his finest lederhosen and kilt outfit there is still an issue. It is a well known fact that the gas gauge (and the gas toggle switch on Superformance cars) fail to properly perform on 'da Sose-side'. Simply put, such cars run out of gas down there. (Remember the 'mid-day ride of one we hold dear')?
By the way what color cars rescue those Silver cars? That’s right Blue ones.
Speaking of slow Blue cars this is a topic on which I am well versed. I happen to own one of the Slowest /Bluest cars around. I have the only GEO powered Cobra in the Midwest and it is slow as heck. However it never runs out of gas. This is party because it often has trouble starting but I digress.
Back to my original thought; this is a thread about visiting Gess Motorsort.
Yes, historically, we made an early spring Snake and Eggs that included a visit to Gess Motorsport. I must say we were always welcomed and our little group was graciously treated by our host.
This excursion was originally known as the ‘100 day Snake & Eggs’
How do I know all of this you may ask? Simple, I was the original sponsor of the 100 day snake & eggs. Originally it was approximately 100 days after the Holiday Party and for many of us it was the first real outing in our cars for the season. It also allowed us to keep this very long thread going thereby providing entertainment throughout the long winter months.
Okay my color fixated friends; how about it. Who would be in for a South-Side Snake & Eggs followed by a trip to Crete & visit to Gess Motorsports? Which date is better for people April 16th or the 26th? Let me see a show of hands.
Last edited by RichMusson; 02-26-2008 at 09:22 PM..