Originally Posted by Ronbo
Bill you have both switches in series which requires clutch in and shifter nuetral.
If either of the reported problems occurs the opposing switch acts as a failsafe. I've been a Electronics tech for over 25yrs. I'm well aware how a switch works.
I don't need to hear from anyone claiming it's "useless" that already tells me enough about you.
You said:"TKO's have been reported here sticking in gear, clutch master cylinders failing."
If the master fails,even with the clutch depressed,the car still goes foward.Switch or no switch.
If the TKO sticks in gear and you depressed the clutch,switch or no switch nothing happens.
Your comments are completely non-sequitur.
You might know switches but as shown by your comments above,you don't know Jack Schit about the rest of the car.
So...you've been a tech for 25 years.That's nice.I started working on cars 16 years before you touched a diode.
Using your logic,i know just as much as Shelby,Superformance,Kirkham,FFR,Hi-Tech,Hurricane,BB,Backdraft and the rest,'cause none of them use them.So i guess i'm in good company.Thanks for the compliment.
Stupid little items like the switch weren't installed because they were needed or it was a good idea,they were installed because some MORON did something stupid and sued the company.
BTW-I'm sure there is a Volvo dealer listed in your Yellow pages.