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Can someone give me a quick height measurement of their FE Weber setup?
I have to make a decision NOW on if I use Webers or a single 4bbl. I think it'll be a 4bbl as I don't believe that Webers will fit under my hood. However, if I go 4bbl without ever measuring, I'll always wonder. I would definitely need the intake that slants the carbs inward toward the center of the engine. Can someone who has this setup on a FE do a quick height measurement for me? What I need is:
-Height from front and rear block to intake mating surfaces (measured from the block) to the top of the air horns.
-Height of your air horns from where they meet the carb body to the highest part of the air horns.
-If possible, make of intake and if it's the slanted model. Obviously, it has to be on a FE engine.
Thanks to anyone who can do this.