ANNOUNCEMENT: Early Release of T-Shirts and Hats for Western States Cobra Bash 2008
Hi Folks.
Back in BLACK by popular demand, T-Shirts for WSCB 2008 are available in advance this year, and including hats for anyone who wants an early edition. We are happy to announce Slither Clothing will be providing our yearly shirt before, during, and after WSCB for our '08 apparel this year.
Slither Clothing is a WSCB registered vendor (and listed vendor) this year and will be bringing licensed Shelby apparel in addition to some WSCB shirts and hats. As many of you know, we ran out last year, so you might want to get a few beforehand this time if you want one or two to wear while you are at WSCB. You can find the link on the WSCB website, or you can go to our shirt/hat order site directly. Slither Clothing provides quality materials and apparel. Nothing less than the best for our WSCB attendees in 08! Slither Clothing stated they can order special small or extra large sizes too, but it may take a little longer to get it to you. Check it out.
See Link:
T-Shirt and Hat for 2008
Best Regards,
Duane Cooney