The pups are doing well thank God. Bill isn't playing games as he is the only good engine and car person in this area so he has stuff backed up for a year and a half. But when I took it in last August and told him I wasn't in a big hurry, I figured I would get it back before I die. But this mornings discussion settled nothing but pissing him off and making me sick to my stomach. I told him if he would hire another person to help get all of that wiring mess pulled and figured out I would pay for it and he don't want anyone else touching the car. He has the dash all out and stuff everywhere. He told me that I had told him to take his time. I told him that was true and it was 7 months ago and he hasn't even gotten to the point of trying to start the motor yet, let alone look at the other things that need to be checked. I am just sick of this mess.