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Old 03-06-2008, 03:38 PM
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The drive home is going to be interesting today. I just went and looked out the window as I realized most of the office is gone. The few vehicles left are covered in ice, and the sleet is now sleet/snow mix. The bridges will likely be icy, and I do have to cross 1 bridge that i am not looking forward to. It is on hwy 78 (2 lane hwy) and there is no shoulder/margin for error across it. The good news is it is strait and short, but it never fails, some jack hole loves to slam on breaks right on it. Even when it is dry, there are wrecks right there from people drifting into on coming traffic, so The fun is about to begin for me. At this point, I might as well finish all that I need to as the roads won't be any worse later than they are now. I may even just stay late and let all the idiots wreck, and have clear roads for my ride home.
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