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Don't apologize, I'm very pleased to see your planning and mountainous amount of work ahead of you. Obviously, a few of us here appreciate your efforts are are supportive with planning, CADs and photos. I too have for decades thought of scratching a 1/8 Cobra. Well, I haven't retired yet and my 1:1 ERA has been a major effort for 25 years.
I did, about four years ago buy Exoto's 1/10th GT #1015 which is an excellent effort which only falls down on the mold lines on most of the styrene suspension. I just don't have the time to break it down to remove them and refinish them. Plus you can never tell how they assembled these things in the China factory. It is exceptional at the (then) price. My favorite 1/12 is the Tamiya 935 Martini which I built about 18 years ago. (Also built many of their F1 early releases) I can probably find time to shoot some photos to submit for your criticism. I'd like to be involved in your project in a small way too.
Please look in my gallery to see my ERA. I know many forum members have helped with photos but if there is value for you, I'd shoot some details like handles, latches, w'shield frame or what ever you needed. Photography is part of what I do. I also have a thought which I wrestled with for years about how to do the w'shield frame.
Thanks too for the prompt response.