I guess we are all hoping for a quick fix to the energy problem and the enviromental concerns that will plague our children in the oncoming years need to be taken into account. Drilling in Alaska will probably not benefit anyone but the
oil companies and we more-than-likely may not see that
oil in our market for decades. Nuclear power does have a potentially catastrophic by-product whose half-life is 25,000 years (see
http://www.etsu.edu/writing/3120f99/zctb3/nuclear2.htm). Apparently, the fix needs to be a number of things combined but at the same time it seems a shame and a scam that we are having to pay such ridiculous fuel prices (which,in my opinion, should be extracted from commodity trading as a necessary resource). Maybe the answer is in tidal energy generators, hyrodgen fuel derived from our abundant natural gas reserves, solar, wind, etc. etc. Whatever the source, we are only one of God's creatures and do have a responsibility to consider all of his creatures (no matter how liberal or conservative our political affiliation) in whatever road we choose to take. More than my two cents and the soap box just collasped.