Well I just got home from Redding. I had to go pick up my medicine and since my vet is right behind COSTCO I got the dogs some more food. The showers they forecast for today don't look as if they are coming as it is mostly clear and already into the upper 60s. The yard is just a little to short to mow and shaggy enough to look like crap. I may take my gas cans over later and fill them.
I don't expect to live long enough to ever see that Coupe again and to tell the truth I really have quit thinking about it. The last time I talked to Bill he got mad and told me I had said I wasn't in any big hurry. That was in August when I took the car to him and with the Winter coming I wasn't in a hurry, but he told me he would have it by late February at the latest and he hasn't even done anything but get the dash all torn out and strung all over. I have the 69 and it gets as many looks as the Coupe did. Plus the fact no one believes me when I tell them what it is, so I carry a copy of the original order form in it in a plastic holder and when I show them that all I hear is I never heard of a Cobra in 1969. I thought they started making them in 1970. And they are impressed by the ( Nasty Word Following ) Big Block. I should get another set of stock wheels and have some new tires mounted for my driving as those 50 year old tires are still in great shape but I just don't trust them to far.