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Old 03-11-2008, 03:06 PM
JTD JTD is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob In Ct View Post
These eco-terrorists are the same guys that took lead out of gasoline, cigarettes out of public places and sewage out of our water! Who do they think they are? These a$$holes think that there is a finite amount of clean water and clean air, how ridiculous. These are the same jerks that don't want me dumping my used oil in the stream behind my house. Who the hell are they to limit my freedoms? I say it's time to bring back leaded gas, asbestos clutches and brakes, and big gas guzzling cars!

There's plenty of oil to go around, it only costs so much because we elected a democrat to the White House 8 years ago. Things would have been much different had we elected a Republican. BTW, who started this rumor about Lake Mead drying up?

Last time I checked, there has not been a terrorist attack on US soil in 7 years, not bad for a "democrat." Perhaps Elliot Spitzer would have done a better job.

Last edited by JTD; 03-11-2008 at 03:10 PM..
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