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Anyone can go read the posts in consumer section. I left it there because there was no reason not to... My car is an open book. The edits that 2fast infers were recent - were done over 2 weeks ago when the car came back from the painter with the tiny bill. 2Fast neglects to communicate the spirit of the entire thread - and he adds insult to injury by insinuating the car is less than near perfect. I'm insulted at the term "lemon" - my car is no way close. Nothing but new parts and professionally built items. The engine from Don Scott in Minn. ... why - because his work was better than anyone closer according to what I could find. No used chassis' - no rebuilt tranny - no (gasp and god forbid) Mustang parts. I wanted as close to authenticity as I could get for my money. Now - I think FFR's are fine inexpensive racers that evoke the feel of a cobra - they weren't, however, what I was looking for. I wanted an authentic as possible replication of a 64 289 Le Mans AC racer. And I spent through the nose to get it.
As the consumer section indicates - the car was completely tightened and checked out by Unique - the manufacturer of the vehicle. I personally couldn't have afforded that service - but due to circumstances beyond my control - Unique took it in and basically gave me free work. This is not included in the price of my car. Frankly - I took an arrogant stance that since Unique recommended the assembler - they were in fact responsible for his work and responsible to resolve every issue. I'm suprised Allan didn't tell me to go f myself.
I wonder how many self builders owners who mis-drilled a hole - or had problems with rivets - or who overtightened bolts were able to call their manufacturer - b__tch a little - give them the car - and have them bring it all up to perfection?
The thing is - I may just not be a good cobra owner. My idea of buying a new car was that it should be equivalent in quality and finish to a new porsche - ferrari - or any other fine marque. I expect no maintenance the first year or two - and don't want to worry about anything but a spotless vehicle. I would return a new car if I found so much as a discoloration in leather seating because I PAID for a new flawless car. Let someone less discerning take the car with the mismatched leather. It won't be me. That was the standard I used when I had difficulty with the assemblers efforts.
So - when I got the car and found a paint drip on the passenger side on the underside of where the body meets the firewall - I was pissed. When I found the brakes were not adjusted to my liking - I took a kanipshun. And - I'm still not happy the the BF Goodrichs were mounted with the white lettering facing in instead of out. Someone should have asked me first.
I didn't like that there was play in the spark plug wires beyond what I found acceptable - each wire should have been hand cut and placed for my engine - Unique did that for me. The original assembler had placed the spark plug wire so close to a header that it melted on a drive - anyone using store bought Ford spark plug wires for the engine of their choice should be flogged! This is a HAND MADE car and requires that attention to detail. You woulnt buy preformed brake lines - would you?
And although technically - you could put the plastic filter on the fuel line under the hood - I didn't want it there because I find a plastic part in a virtually all stainless compartement to be under my standards. I wanted all superior parts - and was willing to pay for them. I have that now.
And - the steering was not to my liking. I wanted it tighter. And the guages - when I spend this much on guages I didn't expect any difference in the brightness of the guage lights - you might laugh - but I had Unique and Robbie go through three separate guage installs until the set in place had exact equal luminescence. Exactly equal - I love it when people gasp as I turn on the engine and the lights and the interior lights up perfectly evenly. Its beautiful. No spacers or single backlight for my dash - that wouldn't be near authentic.
And where the carpet met the body - I expected to see no glue remnants - Unique removed them. I could go on about other things - but primarily - my assembler in an effort to get me the car on time - neglected to install the brake cooler ducts and the side number lights. Unique installed those.
I also didn't like the bolts on the trunk interior - thought they were cheap looking (although authentic) so I had them upgraded. Even after getting the car from Unique - its first drive was to a race shop run by friends of friends who went over each detail. Frankly, I was pissed to find dust on some of the beams under the car and had them wipe them down. The car is also washed and waxed weekly using specialty wax for clear coats and fiberglass cars.
You get the hint here - I'm a picky s.o.b. who really feels that no ONE person could ever build ANY cobra to perfection. Why - because there is no such thing as an expert mechanic, upholsterer, painter, sheet metal worker, (although Enzo comes close).
Yes - I had loads of problems with my assembler - or - as Robert and others indicated during the process - I'm just extremely picky. If I do it myself - I wouldn't mind if some of the powder coating comes off on a bolt. If I pay someone to do it - they better look flawless. After all why should I pay you or anyone else to do a job I could do myself with some caution, patience, and the right tools? I paid an assembler because I wanted perfection.
I love the car. It does, however, sit the majority of time in the garage. My wife is sick of taking me to work on rainy mornings - and frankly - in my line of work - I wouldn't feel comfortable driving down to the financial district in a car that doesn't represent the type of success I need communicated to my clients. Therefore - since I like different cars - its either a Mercedes (boring) - or a Lexus (Not my style) - or a Prowler (acceptably elegant - yet still different - with AC for the wife - and radio as well.
Last edited by MiamiCobra; 09-14-2001 at 05:31 PM..