We need to Stop Crying about something we still have some control over....paying high gas prices.
Everyone of us can do something in their respective daily lives to help, but we don't want to give up anything. Got to have that cell phone, that flat screen, that SUV and the boat and second house along with a cruise to Alaska. Oh, our kids must have their stuff too..because all the kids have one (phones). There is no end to what we think we need to have, to exist here in modern America ...WOW!.
With that venting out of the way, [b]why not just simply use less [/B
]gas. You realize that crude
oil is a never ending supply of liquid to the refineries. There is only so much storage (tank farms & pipelines), and so many gas stations to dispense the liquid into our vehicles.
If you rearrange your life a little with regards to fuel use, all of us will have a negative affect on the supply. We know what happens when the toilet gets backed up, something will be done to get the liquid flowing again.
Maybe cheaper gas will be the desired result? I hope this makes sense.
WE can do it, eliminate one of your gas thirsty vehicles, combine trips to shop, car pool to work and events, move closer to your job, start a budget for fuel useage to regulate expense...there is no end on ways to cut back.
Just do it!
Ranting Bill