If they are telling the truth, and in this case I tend to believe they may be, the refineries are working at capacity now and just importing more
oil won't help.
I saw in yesterday's paper where the tree huggers are now upset that all of the timber that burned here a few years ago and they wouldn't let them salvage any of the stuff while it could still be used for lumber is rotting and releasing huge amounts of Green House Gas into the atmosphere. Now they are wanting something done to stop that from happening down in Southern Calif. where all the fires were last summer. The CO2 I think it is, coming from these rotting stumps and trees is so bad it is stunting the growth of new trees and is several hundred times what the Environmentalists claimed it would be when they stopped the cutting of any of the trees after the fire. And now they want that stopped. How do you stop thousands of acres of rotting trees from emitting gases?