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Caught it!!!!
Hersh and I with respective spouses went to Sedona today. The trip up was very un-eventful until hersh decided to show a group of motorcyclers what his cobra could do....Hersh shut it down after hitting 130...He was really moving as I was doing a c-note and he was pulling away.
We watched ducks, plastic, go down the river...for a good cause. Boys and Girls clubs of northern Arizona. Paula won a limited run print and Ginny got a foursome golf pass. The boys,, Losers again....
After the days events we decided to go through Oak Creek canyon to Flag then home. We hit a rain storm just outside of Flag. I had my meatballs on and well the rain and speed combined to make the nose one leave the car....I figured it was gone...nope I looked in the mirror and Hersh's car had caught it. There it was against his radiator. We pulled over and I retrieved my wayward child. A few miles later I lost another one.
We had a great day......about 250 miles round trip.