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Supercharging 302 W/carb
Vortech and Paxton both make a pressure box for carbs sold for marine applacations. The answer is you will have to piece a system together to make this thing work. Changing brackets and pullys on the A.T.I. is a option if you can order most of the blower and pressure box equipment without the chevy kit stuff. Making your own pressure box out of aluminum carb spacer plates with homebuilt hats works very well too. I've got a million ideas on how to make this thing work but if cost is a driver here then I think I would look at a powerdyne pump with a homebuilt pressure box. And even though it costs a bit more, a Vortec popoff is a must! Some of the stuff you will need to peice this together is at hardware stores and your supercharger supplier can give you leads on pullys and brackets. This is a very complex subject but if you look at it like it's a boat engine the trip is much easier. I've posted several times in this forum on this subject and there is many other posts on just this subject , so a quick search may yield results. I can be reached by e-mail if you choose to chase this beast down.
Ron Shockley