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  #6490 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 07:38 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #291 *has left the garage*
Posts: 4,921
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can't post pics.... gallery full!

some day will upload to computer. for right now, i'm not loading ANY pictures from my new 35 mm digital to the computer. (all my uploaded pics are from my 'little digital', that i take to car events, etc.) I am planning on getting an external hard drive to use exclusively for my 'big camera's' pics. must find the time sometime, and then i will upload to snapfish, my new 'online photo storage facility'.
do not have time to do that this week...

David has gone to the farm to fetch the trailer, wash the truck and change the oil. The pains he goes to to get me out of the house.

off to Austin at some point tomorrow.
lots to do today!
big project at school next wednesday, and must get it well organized and prepared today.
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09
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