On the topic of "Getting the word out there"....
People will like them even more once they bring the price down to reality; and no matter how good they are. Obviously I had been talking with the wrong people on these tires a while back regarding heavy bulk discounts. I had looked into a bulk purchase discount for WSCB attendees to arrange to buy like 50 sets, and got no traction there. No perceived discount offered. Like I said, probably not dealing with the right person. If you are trying to help get the word out, it happens naturally by referral when more people buy the tires. A LOT more people will buy them once they move from a good value to a great value status. After the first earlybird shockwave started winding down, I-phones started selling like crazy again once they brought the price down a little closer to reality.

That's my .02 cents on it FWIW.