Morning all
I got a damn ticket (warning ticket) last night. At 1:15 AM today it is dated and timed.
It says it is for parking more than 18" from the curb. However if I put my foot between the tire and the curb my shoe touches both the curb and the tire. I am parked about 4" from the curb. So I have no idea what they are talking about.
I have not moved the truck but I took some pictures. Can't post them because of the gallery issues but I have them. I know this is just a warning ticket and cost nothing but it really chaps my ass when the police are doing stupid stuff like this when there is real crime going on in the city at the same time.
I have said for years that the police will ALWAYS go after the victims in a crime because we are easier to catch. This just proves once again I am right.
Must be a rookie cop with nothing better to do.