Originally Posted by 4RE KLR
Hey You just got lucky on that one. I wouldn't ask for trouble around here, you'll get it  I almost spit my drink all over the PC when I read that. Funny...
Hey, I resemble that remark
It is really frustrating that since the police are loosing their money from taking down the red light cameras, they have started writing tickets for ANYTHING. They wrote a ticket to one of our neighbors for not having a tailgate on his truck. The truck bed was empty and nothing could have fallen out. The police said since it came with one he was required to have one. How stupid is that?
Sorry, I thought that this was kinda like AA, but for horsepower addictions.
That is a retarded ticket. I question the legality of the statement if it came with it it must have it. That is like saying that you cannot modify a vehicle at all. I know Oakland passed some ordinance a while back to that effect, but I don't know if it held up. Here, I have never heard that. I am curious to what the actual citation was (what vehicle code was listed as being violated). I know one guy who got a ticket for a trailer. The trailer was not tracking strait (he was taking it in to have it fixed) and the cop said that was the reason he was getting the ticket. When he actually looked up the citation, the vehicle code violated was for lights. He got a lawyer, fought it and won. It is messed up that the cop told him it was for something other than what it was for. The lights worked without issue on the trailer, and I believe the cop wanted to cite him as he thought the trailer was unsafe, and he just used a code and didn't expect him to question it.