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Old 03-28-2008, 12:47 PM
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The ticket for the missing tailgate was for an unsafe vehicle on public streets. The cop said it was unsafe since part of the body structure was missing and that crash test would need to be performed to verify that the vehicle was still safe to drive when it is missing any of the body pieces it was originally tested with.

What a crock, huh.

If the guy spends the money for an attorney it will cost more than the fine itself, that is what the PD is hoping for I suppose. He may just fight it himself. If he sets a court date and then cancels it the morning off the hearing, for about three years or so the ticketing cop will no longer be employed and the case will be dropped. Again what a pain in the ass.

As for the warning ticket I got I am not going to do anything. I just took some pictures and if it happens again I will file a harassment complaint against the cop. I hate to do that but he needs to get a life and go catch the bad guys.

Like I said they chase the victims because they are easier to catch.
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