Regarding Rebels original comments......
The main point I believe he was trying to make, was that some of the comments and images especially regarding aboriginals would be considered to be EXTREMELY bad taste - and offensive to all Australians. Regardless of whether used in jest or not.
I thought it was particularly unfair to single out his comments, as being some sort of a "spoil sport", when those making such comments certainly are not aware of the "ugly" implications (or else they would not make them).
As a rule, Autralians love to take the piss as much (actually more) then anybody, but in this politicaly correct day and age, the line has definately been drawn, and some of the comments (since kindly apologised for) stepped well over it. Rebel was certainly justified in taking some offense - whether it was in the "spirit" of the thread or not.
As for Lewis...bring him back!!!