Originally Posted by AMF
2) The gun isn't "special" at all. first because it has to be approved by the department of Homeland defense (that way in the event of a conflict/incident, other defense agents can pick it up and use it during contingent situations).
3) It's his gun. He picked the damned thing. If he didn't, he should have been carrying/using it in the first place. If he did, he has no excuses, it's his gun.
I'm not necessarily sure that either of those statements are true. From what I remember about the program - years ago - the weapon was initially a S&W .40, and was changed to a H&K USP40 through the TSA.
Originally Posted by AMF
4) There are a WHOLE LOT of other pilots who've seemed to be able to negotiate this unfair system for a long time. What's their deal? Are they just smarter? More responsible?
If this is the FFDO program, its not just 'pilots' who who are members of the program.
Originally Posted by AMF
It's attitudes like yours that give us dumb laws that punish all the people who are doing the right thing.
Actually, it's attitudes like YOURS that get 'dumb laws' passed. The people in charge point at YOU and ask the non-gun public "is that the kind of person you want carrying a weapon?" And the answer is always "no."
Your pal,