Originally Posted by 427 S/O
AMF, speaking of banned!, could your limited presents here be the result of same?. After what! 15-20 post and you attack!. Who are you?.
I didn't attack anyone...personally or otherwise. We were having an adult debate about the issue.
I'm not speaking to just this thread, if you go into several of the other threads, MEAT has gotten into some juvenile (albeit typical these days) arguments in several threads.
Moreover, he JUMPS into this thread and his first post directed at me is contrite.
There's no prerequisite for posts to state your opinion or have an adult debate about things. That's what the lounge is for (on most sites). It's healthy, for people to discuss things, even heatedly. But name calling and just being a general jerk about things isn't stimulating or beneficial....it's just a nuisance.
767 and I can just agree to disagree. I only asked that he explain to me the pieces that I seem to be missing.