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Old 04-03-2008, 11:19 AM
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ByronRACE ByronRACE is offline
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Location: Gilroy, CA
Cobra Make, Engine: West Coast Cobra w/ Centrifugally Blown Big Block, Pickles, Onions, on a Sesame Seed Bun.
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Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post

In this case, I would prefer you email your questions regarding Track Day directly to me and not on this forum. Since you have posted here, I will try to be as clear as possible with answers as not to add confusion or concern for all other attendees:
That was my first approach, and after 2 attempts at that I decided that a post here might be more successful since I see you're active on the forums.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
I replied to your email yesterday regarding helmets. Did you not receive it? Did you not receive the Track Day Announcement #1? .... Is there something, specifically, you are concerned about? Is your head worth a few hundred bucks more than the “M” (motorcycle) rated helmet?
No email received. Did you spell the email address Byron@ or Bryon@ Common error.

Yes, I got the track day announcement that says SA95 or newer. An M2000 helmet is newer than an SA95, that's why I asked. Perhaps that should read "SA rated helmets only , 95 or newer" as that would leave nothing to the imagination and is clearly your intent.

Yes, the concern is that I'm shopping for helmets and wish to purchase the correct one. I've participated in multiple events where M rated helmets were acceptable, and own several. If there's an opportunity for passengers, for low-speed trophy laps, or whatever...perhaps an M rated helmet would be acceptable for short-term limited environment use and I could avoid running out and buying a helmet I'll never use again. In any event, it's not a big deal, I just asked for the answer to a requirement that wasn't clear to me.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
FYI. What are the 2 key differences between SA and M Rated Helmets and why SA standard helmets are typically required in auto sports?
1. SA standard requires flammability test while the M standard does not.
2. SA standard has roll bar impact test while M standard does not.

Q. Tires
A. Tech Form “Wheels & Tires” first line says: “tire condition.” Are you confused as to how to determine if your tires are in good condition or not? Would you like to run track tires, street tires, or bald tires? I’m not clear what your question is. Most states require a minimum tread depth of 3/32” - DOT approved, for legal street applications, if that helps.
Absolutely; condition is subject to interpretation. In some forms of racing, they specifically shave the tires down to the minimum possible tread other forms, they require DOT legal tires with a minimum tread depth. OK, so the tires must be DOT approved street legal even for the track; that helps. I have several sets of non-dot rubber as well as shaved DOT rubber for this car, now I know I can't use them. Thanks. I'll leave the shaved R1's at home.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
Q. Sound
A. Unless otherwise mentioned, there is no sound limit at this particular track event.
Good, because if there were, I have work to do. I likely wouldn't pass. Thanks.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
Q. “Other details”
Q. “but I don't see a lot of detail about any specific requirement”
A. Then please be more specific regarding the Tech Sheet list of specific "basic" requirements I've asked you to check on your car.

Q. “Should I assume there are none (specific requirements) if it's not mentioned”
A. Ditto previous answer, and I would also suggest you re-read your Announcement, specifically, where it says...
Fair enough, but without specifics on what is being checked that leaves a lot to the imagination; and not every requirement on every race event makes forgive me for asking the question. I'll do what I feel makes sense, and that should suffice. I am my mechanic; there is noone to ask. I am very serious about making sure the car is track ready; that's why I'm asking I have enough time to address anything that might otherwise be left as a surprise.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
Q. “For example, it says "Roll Bar" but it doesn't specify any specific requirements pertaining to what the bar is constructed of, where and how it's mounted, who it protects, and so on.”
A. I’m not sure how to interpret this. A typical “roll bar” is found directly behind the driver’s seat, 3” above driver’s head ..... If you need clarification or help here, as I said, just send me an email and I will be happy to help.
No problem, I'm not trying to open up pandora's box and create a lot of work for you, but an item like a roll-bar is a good example because it is the only hope of living through a roll-over in a Cobra. 3" above the the drivers head often doesn't happen in a Cobra unless you build a special bar, is that a requirement?

My roll bar is 3" diameter heavy tube and covers both driver and passenger. It slips into receiver holes in the frame and is somewhat height adjustable. Since it protects the passenger, I wondered if that opened any doors for passengers. If the environment is right, and the car behaves, it would be fun to take my brother for a ride around the track; it happens to be his birthday.

I will go through all the items on the tech sheet. No need to reiterate; I get it. However, my interpretation of what is correct/valid/acceptable and yours may I'll ask the questions if I think there is room for worry as long as you don't mind. If my post here has somehow aggravated you, sorry about that...I thought that's what this forum was for.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
If this is not clear to you, let me know so I can help you. This is no different than most any other track event tech sheet.
Sorry, but I disagree. Some events have far more clarity in the safety rules. NHRA, Bonneville, Silver State, Pony Express, etc...leave less to the imagination. Perhaps for good reason; the stakes are higher. Again, not an issue...just asking the question. The worst thing to me is to have a month to prepare, do nothing, and arrive with a car that doesn't pass tech for some small non-obvious requirement I couldn't have predicted. I'm more than capable and willing to address the requirements as long as I know what they are.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
Q. Passengers
A1. Unless you are an instructor, you may not have a passenger.
A2. If we do “parade laps” (under 40mph-manditory at all times) during the event, you may have a passenger.
A3. If your car has dual or a full-width roll bar(s), restraints, and you have the approval of myself AND a lead instructor, you may have a passenger.

You are in Group-2 (1 to 5 - Other track events). What does your experience at these other track events tell you regarding the safety and technical aspects of your car and you as a driver on the track?
I've raced at Laguna, Buttonwillow, Sears Point, Infineon, P.I.R, and at open-road events and most drag strips in CA and Oregon. Shelby Club, Green Flag, and others. I was the bay areas EFI Dyno-tuner from about 1987 to about 2003 before I gave it up to get more serious about my day job (medical device, embedded systems engineer). My reason for mentioning that is that over the years, I was in a fortunate position to have seat time in many hundreds of high performance cars ranging from 300hp Mustangs to 800+hp Vipers; so this isn't exactly new stuff...but I consider myself rusty since I've been off the track for so long.

I've been busy building this car part time since 2001 (I started with a Body and Frame from Charlie Bruno's estate (formerly Charlies Mustangs); this is his old West Coast car)...and had to fabricate the rest. I haven't been to the track in my own car for quite a while; only street time. I sold my road-race prepped 93 Cobra back in 2000 or 2001. My intention with this event is to do nothing except roll the car around the track, get a feel for it, and have a good time...which means getting through tech without a surprise. I specifically asked to be placed in a novice run group because the build is brand new (<1000 miles), has no track time, and I have very little seat time at speed in the car. I intend to ease my way into it; the car makes more power than anything I've ever owned or driven and I see no reason to push it during the honeymoon period. I'm in no hurry; this is not a race, and I have no attitude...just looking to have some fun with the group and bring something a bit different to the mix.

Originally Posted by jmarsey View Post
I will be sending future Track Day Announcements pertaining to track configuration, video and event particulars. I realize that there can be a level of enthusiastic anxiety while anticipating a track event. The bottom line here, is that we have a very talented team of instructors, group leaders, and tech officials. Our number-1 goal is to keep you safe and make sure you have a fun and enjoyable day!

I hope this is helpful to you and please, email me directly in the future. I would like to avoid this kind of rhetoric in the future.

Talk soon, John
I don't follow what you mean by the last sentence and assume that although your tone comes across as confrontational at times, I'll assume you don't intend to be because a moment ago you recommended and encouraged the asking of questions.

I'm not here to stir up trouble. I simply didn't get a response via email and couldn't see the harm in posting. If I created an issue or pushed your buttons somehow, sorry about that; not my intention. I'll PM you in the future through this forum for any additional clarification I may need. Hopefully that will work better than email. No need to reply to this post.


Last edited by ByronRACE; 04-03-2008 at 12:22 PM.. Reason: Clarification
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