Originally Posted by Double Venom
abram, et.al.,
Once again Don CAN NOT answer any calls at this point-Lawyers orders!
I am as "hyper" as anyone, even more so if the truth be known, but I can tell you at this point it is all over but the inspection of the contracts between Don-IMAR (?) and the newest buyer. The new buyer is a car nut like all of us too! Of course he can not say anything yet. Every thing could, but not expected to, fall through over night!
I only hope it works out for everyone of them. It will only mean very serious upgrades on the cobras, the manual, already the best in the business, and the rest of the line of CR II's cars.
What is in the works for the cars is amazing to say the least. Unfortunately many of us have been caught in a rapidly growing and changing commerce. (I certainly would not call CR II a small business! Not with millions, worldwide sales.)
Keeping my fingers crossed for more and better days!
I need to go racing!
Hey DV
thank you for all the information, you always seems to know more than anyone here. Well appriciated!
Do you know if the new owner will have to fullfill CRII obligation to the clients it owe parts to?
I am still owed close to $10,000 in parts!
I've consultaed a lawyer and honestly, the last thing I want to do is to rage a war a gainst Don.
What do you think I should do?