Originally Posted by Excaliber
We need better accountability of the contractors that work for the military, both here on US soil or over seas. To debate that issue, to recognze the very real corruption and mistakes on both sides of the issue (Government and Civilian) should not be construed as 'not supporting our troops'. We support our troops by making sure the money gets spent in an effective manner, by CALLING for accountability. By recognizing mistakes have been and will be made and seeking to correct the problem.
While the military folks generally DO support civilian contractors, I think it's a different ball game in a war zone when your talking about MERCENARIES making BIG bucks. Fact is, these civilian contractors don't have the accountability of our military force, that needs to change. The change will support our troops!
Perfectly said!
And it's not so much that military hates civilians. It's when a civilian is asked to do something and they can't because "It's not in my contract!" That is when the military gets upset. Granted, contracts are contracts, but a civilian contractor should not be playing that card unless what they are asking could cause damage to equipment or people.
Without accountability, there is waste!