I am soon to be! I can't wait!
Anyways, I've been pretty lucky. I've been given tickets for complete BS and I've been given tickets that i deserved. I have 0 tickets on my record. Because I at a minimum, go to court and plea out. I don't get the insurance hike, and they get their money. On one trip from OKC to Erie PA, i was pulled over 2 times. One was TOTAL bs. The officer claimed I was going 98mph in a 65. it was winter and i was in a car with hydraulics. 30wt
oil for suspension would be VERY stiff at 20*!! i went to court and got failure to equip with a muffler. I am certain that the officer clocked the older accord that passed me in the right lane. Later that night my wife had to pee. I went to get off an exit to find her a bathroom when at the last minute I realized I was getting off one highway and onto another which was a toll rd. I sped up on the off ramp to get ahead of the car next to me and cut in front of him. Only to find out he was highway patrol in an unmarked Z28! haha That guy scared the crap out of my wife! I pulled waaay off the highway as I alwasy do. I see the flashlight shining in my rear view, my window is all the way down, and hten he taps on the passenger window! My wife screamed! I explained why I did what I did and he let me off with a warning. I know he was rolling in laughter back in the cruiser because my wife screamed so loud and nearly jumped into the drivers seat! haha
I think on the highway, it's safer, for the driver, to stay in the car. Putting an officer with his back to the traffic, and a driver between 2 cars is just asking for someone to lose some legs when the idiot in traffic is drawn to the lights like a bug and slams into the back of the cruiser.
Please, if you are driving past a traffic stop, MOVE to the left (far) lane and give them plenty of room!!! That is law in some states, but not all.