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Old 04-07-2008, 07:39 PM
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Default Oh Brother...

It's only a few each year who truly have no idea or no clue or just don't READ agreements before they agree to them. If you are in doubt, go re-read your registration agreement that you agreed to. In particular, the big BOLD letters in RED. Our funds and deposits are committed, insurance, required name lists, security, license plates, cars/types/colors - all this stuff is done well in advance. We don't have the option to just keep changing and changing and changing along the way every time someone runs into thier own conflicts for their own personal matters or schedules. All events are like this. NOTE: We tried the swap/exchange routine the first and second year and it was a huge MESS and not because of us. We had people trying to hold and resell their spots, and buyers committing to buy other people's spots and flaking out at the last minute, or not paying the other person, people not paying each other for rooms, all us getting stuck in the middle. Done, been there, not ever going there again. NEVER. The situation is people say one thing and then do another and then change their minds or pull all sorts of crap last minute or make up fake excuses because they panic and don't want to make the drive in their Cobras or their cars aren't ready or they forget their daughters graduation, you name it. We've had every fake and legitimate excuse in the book then to find out half of those who said they could not make it end up showing up anyhow because they did not want to lose their registration or spot for the next year.

This thread is case and point as to why we don't deal with this kind of stuff and we'd never be able to put on WSCB if we made exceptions for every person who came up with a last minute schedule conflict. If you schedule something on the same day as WSCB, that's your choice. You can attend or not attend. This is your choice, not ours. Surgery, Funeral, Graduation, Brain Fart, doesn't matter. I checked all over on several different events and they have the same policy. This is nothing new, and only new to those who are new. Your conflicts are your conflicts and our dates and funding is set if we are lucky to cover all the bills to put this thing on. All first/second year attendees wanted us to keep the sponsors and complexity out and keep this private, so we did. All the new people want to come along and start trying to make up new rules. The rules were on the agreement that everyone agreed to when they registered. This is why there is an agreement. And this is why it has to be agreed to for you to register.

One thing for sure, anyone who calls me or any of us an idiot at WSCB with absolutely no clue or understanding about what's involved here probably would never appreciate WSCB in the first place. The ratio is there is always about 1-2 dorks in the bunch of every 50 new attendees who try to attend, register, and then flake out on WSCB last minute with some excuse or conflict. That leaves about 198 other people who are able and willing to attend and who make it every year.

Thanks for the thread. It really helps us to reconfirm what we concluded on year one and year two. If you choose not to attend, it's your option and your choice - not ours. And as they say, "Good Luck to Ya".
Western States Cobra Group 1998-2016.

Last edited by decooney; 04-07-2008 at 09:28 PM..