Originally Posted by LETSRCE
Wow Ron, did I hit a nerve?
Your not the idiot I was corisponding with via email are you?
If not, you don't have all the facts so you can't make a factual comment.
And I just checked the mirror to see if your correct, your not
I assume the people running the event actually have day jobs, so I'm guessing their motivation for taking a hard line is due the hassle-factor of processing all the cancellations and/or transers.
Anything can happen between now and then, and I'll be pissed if I have to pull out, too. But, I agreed to the terms and took the risk so I certainly won't publicly whine about it if it happens.
This is just my two cents, but if you want to claim the intellectual high ground by calling others idiots, you may want to at least double-check your spelling and grammar while you are doing so.
It's not "your," it's you're.
It's not "corisponding," it's corresponding.