I have tried hiring a kid to cut the upper lot twice. Both times they made a couple of trips around it and then came in to collect. I then called a handy man who does nothing but landscaping and lawn care. What a farce. He spent an hour doing nothing but griping about how people expected him to mow their lawns the same way they would mow them. I looked at all the places he skipped and gave him a local lawyers number and told him to call him because I wasn't going to pay for that mess. Never heard from him again. I called the Fire Department to see if they had a list of kids who had applied for Summer work like they used to and they have quit that as none of the kids will do anything when they send them out and they were tired of he people who hired them calling them and raising He**. He said most of the people refuse to pay so they went to several places and he wouldn't have paid either. They would cut one or two strips of grass and then demand their payment as they were through.