Always good to read a bit of humor.
I used the link to backtrack and find another "Looney Letter" called "Correspondence between a traveller and the maids at his hotel over an ever expanding pile of hotel soaps", (
http://www.snopes.com/humor/letters/soap.asp ).
This comedy struck home because when I am out of town, I normally stay in one of a dozen or so designated rooms in the same hotel. Since we carry everything we may need in our grips (I use a backpack) and there are times we have to carry these packs over a mile to get to a ride, most of us try to lighten the load as much as possible. Of course we always have to walk uphill whether we are coming or going.
I refill and carry tiny samples of my favorite shampoo (not much hair anyway). But I forego packing a bar of soap because the hotel bath soap is OK and it is hard to re-pack wet soap. That is, hotel bath soap is OK when there is some. It is not unusual for them to run out of one supply or another and that includes periods without soap.
When the phone wakes us for duty we don't have much time to shower, dress and eat. So I finally took to hiding new or used soap in the rooms somewhere that I can remember. Yes, I know it's really, really weird ...but just try to take a shower without soap once.