Not Ranked
I only joined this forum just over a year ago, so I am a relative newbie. Without getting too maudlin, or quoting the words to "Kumbaya", I just want to say that having read every entry on this thread (and the other related threads), I am always impressed at how close everyone is in this strangely-related "Cobra community" that we share.
The outpourings of care, consideration and concern are genuine and come from all over the country. Those of us that don't even know Stuart or the other unfortunate and unwilling participants in today's accident STILL feel a kinship, a sense of shared regret and both the need and capacity to express those concerns in this forum.
It is a heartening display of what human relationships can (and SHOULD) be, and I would like to add my remote, but understanding, sympathies to those of everyone else.
Stuart, to you and your family, I wish you the quickest of recoveries, the joys of your search for your next Cobra, and my sympathies and empathies for your pains, your tribulations and your loss of a fabulous vehicle.
The Cobra can INDEED be replaced, but your spirit survives!
be safe, be well and heal quickly!
Regards and best wishes
Glyn Meek
Cave magister imperitus - Beware the inexperienced teacher
"No, I DON'T have an accent, this is how English sounds when it is pronounced correctly!"
Last edited by GlynMeek; 04-13-2008 at 08:50 AM..