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Dear Saltytri
It seems your trip was in vain - latest update says that the company based in Malta, trading as AC Cars Manufacturing Ltd, became insolvent as of December 2007. The factory is now closed and it appears (from your report) that the signs have been removed from the building.
Also, the even better news is that the gentleman in question, Mr. Lubinski, has 1) not fled Malta since he was never there in the first place and 2) appears to have nothing to do with said business. Any reports (as splashed across the news pages if the newspapers in Malta) that he fled owing the local government any money are false malicious lies since he did not own the company - the shareholders did!! Hence the threat of legal action against said papers in order to clear is otherwise unblemished name and to allow him to continue in business untainted by this unfortunate incident. Quite right. :-)
It also appears that the reason for the failings of this otherwise excellent company was due to the Malta Enterprise board that did provide a building but failed to fit it out with the equipment required to start production - so it's clearly all their fault and AC will take legal steps to recover losses accordingly. (no, I'm not making this up)
Oh, and the reason for AC not opening its new factory in Conn. USA was that only preliminary talks were held with no decision or promise to start production begin made. Initial tentative enquiries proved that it was never viable. That's OK then.
I got this info from a long rambling report issued on behalf of AC in poor grammatical 'English' so I stand corrected if my comments are not 100% accurate. I'm sure that 'London' will drop by and correct me where required?
So it seems that, at the current time, AC is no longer with us (anyone got some garlic and a wooden stake?) but I'm sure that something will happen in due course. Anyone who has read Alice in Wonderland will understand....