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For those going to Sanoma, I would be happy to set up a photo area if anyone knows of, or has knowledge of, a specific location in a shaded area with a nice background. I am (for the most part) retired from my business "Total Recall Photography" but still do an occasional wedding or other special event....when i'm not playing golf or mess'in with the Cobra.
I will do family w/car, or just your car, or whatever time allows. There will be no charge for anything as long as I can e-mail you the photo. You can take it to Costco or any other photo service of your choice. The format is huge, so you can blow them up to 20"x24" easily. Costco also does beautiful canvas enlargments fairly cheap. There's also a professional service here in Roseville on Sunrise that can do the enlargements.
Debbie won't be with me so I may need some help if someone wants to volunteer to do some setup and maybe make a list of individuals that want a photo. It would be nice to have a list so anyone wishing a photo will know when it's his or her time (numerically) in case time runs out. It's always easier with a sign up list so no one will have to stand around waiting in a line.
Let me know what you think. tom