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Alwasy looking for a better deal so I checked out Robin's site. Seems like the standard Collector's Car insurance limitations from my experience. Here are the listing of restrictions:
-Mileage limitation applies in some states call for details .
-Insured vehicles not used for general transportation. (Sounds like NO Baskin & Robbins)
-Driving record of drivers is good (That's until you get the Cobra) :-)
-Work use of the vehicle prohibited. (Standard clause)
-Experienced drivers of 10 years.
-Stored vehicles are in a locked building. (No $hit are we insane?)
-Timed and racing events not allowed. (There goes PIR, but pretty standard)
SafeCo may be a bit more expensive but you get what you pay for--watch out. Plus during the winter (like 10-months in Seattle), I can place my Snake on Storage and the cost drops to $100/yr for full coverage in the garage. My-2-Pennies.
"Most barriers to your success are man made. And most often, you're the man who made them."
Last edited by Blue Cobra; 04-16-2008 at 08:49 PM..