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Old 04-21-2008, 09:06 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Heath, TX
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF #968 / Genesis 427 Aluminum S/O
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Default Engine out of state, while I'm going out of my mind!


After much thought, advice and discussions, I've decided to deliver the engine to KCM Plano for Keith to pick up Wednesday and haul back to Arkansas.

I've talked to multiple engine builders, and few to non have worked on the Genesis aluminum side oiler. Keith explained he is aware of some previous flaws from the casting by the Genesis foundry, and some could be the culprit of the damaged bearing. Others are confident they can repair what's been damaged, but this time I'm going for experience.

The more I look at that bearing with others, it looks more like oil starvation instead of debris damage. Is this from first start up at the factory, first start up in my garage, or within the first 15 miles driven in town? I'm not sure, but I bet there are thousands of particles from the bearing throughout the engine now.

This has been a VERY expensive chapter with this car. The cat crapped in the car right before he "disappeared", so my wife called it the "litter box" for a while. Right now, it's refered as "the money hole"!!!! I've said "hole" and not "pit", since you usually can see the bottom of a pit.

Not too happy in Heath, Texas,

Steve S.

P.S.: It was my daughter supplying the cookies Sunday. Mmmm...chocolate chip and Miller lite, nothing better.
Steve S
F-250 w/ 6.4 Diesel
SPF #968 w/ Genesis Aluminum 427 S/O
CVAR vintage racer: 1965 Mustang Fastback w/ HP 302

Last edited by LuvDaBlues; 04-22-2008 at 05:09 PM..
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