Guys this is straight from Quicktimes website.
RM-6056 - Big Block Ford Bellhousing to TKO 500-600/T5 Mustang/TR3550 transmission
Height = 7.050"
Trans. Bore Ø = Universal 4.850/4.910
Engine = Ford 352/390/427/428
Trans. = Universal TKO 500-600/T5 Mustang/TR3550
Clutch Ø = 11.5"
Flywheel = 184 tooth
Weight = 22#
Universal shifter fork brackets for diaphragm or cable operated linkage
Has passed ALL SFI testing
Pivot ball, fork brackets, FULL engine plate and grade 8 bolts included
I have talked with Ross at Quicktime guys the main reason this particular bell housing does not have the certification is simple. It is mostly used in the Cobra market and the bottom lip is trimmed to allow for clearance issues. Ross also confirmed with me that the bell housing passed ALL explosion tests, so there is no need to worry about your legs.