Thread: Ammunition Ban
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Old 04-26-2008, 07:42 AM
SPF2245 SPF2245 is offline
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I agree banning guns is the wrong solution, I believe there are enough laws on the books (too bad many are not enforced by the courts), to some degree I can agree with the micro marking causing some pain for the average joe, but I also can see a small glimmer of hope of something to give law enforcement a lead in many cases without any. Even if it's just the victim of a residential burglary who's gun had been stolen and used in a crime...there may be latent prints there. I will agree many guns are just dumped after being used in crimes, but some are not and I can sadly say many guns used in crimes were not reported stolen by the original owners. The worst fact happened two days ago, a gun owner had his handgun stolen from his car. Guess what he provided me for information? "Uh, was a silver .38". He didn't know the make, model, S/N...hell he didn't even keep the information, there is another gun which is floating around that a criminal has but isn't entered into NCIC (meaning on when he caught with won't show up as stolen). My point, we as gun owners need to be responsible and evaluate any new technology that may keep guns in our hands and help catch those who use them in crimes.

I guess my only problem will be no more bulk deals on Russian fodder for my evil assault rifles...
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