I'm running the Mass-Flo setup on my 460 (545 from Coast High Performance) and fits fine under the hood even with my taller K&N setup. Got it from Chris at Mass-Flo with initial computer setup by him for my application, runs even better with time for the computer to "learn." Instant start, restart and cold start, no more stink from the loaded up Holley system, very dependable thus far. 460 system $3200 add $700 if you buy his fuel system (lines, pump, regulator, filter etc)then another $xxx for all the pieces you wanted different, your particular air cleaner etc. I changed the fuel pump provided to a different in-line pump that would fit up along the frame rail without extending down like the provided one did. I liked it enough to eBay my Edelbrock polished manifold, dizzy, 850DP Holley and some other parts, you'd be surprised how well that stuff holds value