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Buy Canadian
If memory is still ok SPF tried to pull a fast one on Transport Can. by importing "car parts" when the "parts" were bolted together and only needed a motor and trans to be done. Trans. Can. then went on a witch hunt against all kit car manufactures. Factory Five spent a fair bit of money and time to get Trans. Can . to allow their kits into Canada but it can't be the sum total of a car that could be drivable hence the missing parts. After a year of research I found a Canadian manufacture that suited what I envisioned as" MY COBRA" . Now I don't want to start a trade war but maybe because of Trans. Can.we should be buying in Canada at least until all these issues are solved. I know that NAFTA doesn't seam to work when we order parts from the US and UPS delivers (can you say "how much for duty!!") I know that I might get flamed for my views but I bought a D&D almost 2 years ago and I would make the same decision again.
Cheers Greg