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From this vantage point, every Kirkham needs to be assesed on a case by case basis, the car's value's Vary on quality of motor build, (old iron vs New Alum) 5 speed vs Top Loader, quality of entire assembly ... (pro vs garage novice), early cars #350 and below and registration = a quality car registered as 1965 is worth at least 10k more and options. With KCP building a solid 482 Alum 5 speed car at 105k, that is the benchmark. Some what of a recession market now, so market on a nice quality used Kirk, seems around 85k - 100k for a Quality build with say under 2,000 miles and Easy miles - not hard/track miles as I have seen. The early blue car mentioned may be good buy, @ 85k value especially if the paint is Outstanding (Quality paint is much more than 5k). does have 4 speed - and marginal engine, and the pipes and other items appear more than 300 miles. I think some newer high quality cars may appeciate a bit, as moving forward looks like potential unknown availablity and pricing for a brand new build, plus cars leaving country. Still, the best high performance hand crafted aluminum -inpendent billet suspension works of art avalaible for the pricing range. The asking prices for the sch hell bee cobra cars is still a mystery.