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I'm sure you've checked this, but I had the exact same problem with my LS. I made all the measurements and adjustments during the build and really didn't have all the weight on it at the time. The RR was to high, and for that matter the RF was a little high. No matter what I did with shocks, I couldn't lower it. Several months past, and I decided that my pinion angle wasn't quite where it needed to be with the weight on the car, and pulled her up on the KwikLift to adjust it. I loosened the lock nuts on the left upper link bar and started to turn it, which was hard as hell to do with the weight on, but noticed the farther I turned it the looser it got and at the same time the RR of the car was getting lower. I proceeded to lower the adjustment on the spring, that like yours was almost to the top, while the other was at the bottom. Set it even with the other side, and turned the link until I could turn it freely by hand. Cinched up the lock nuts and hit the road. Could not believe how much better the car rode. When I changed the heim joints to the teflon ones, which I obviously had to do with the weight off the axle, I followed the same procedure, but as soon as I put the weight on it the left rear was high. So I backed off the right upper with the weight on the axle, and presto, brought it back down to normal. Something to check, anyway.
Brad W.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"