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I don't intentionally hoon either and rarely even speed. Haven't even had a camera fine for more than 7 years. I really dislike seing some idiot in in a POS Commodore doing a single wheel burnout across an intersection.
My problem with these laws is that they could be abused by an officer that has an issue with the driver he's pulled over. What determines Hoonish behaviour?
I also see large bilboards with a 1800 number to report hoons. What's to stop someone who is jealous of your pride and joy reporting you for some hoonish activity you haven't done just to be spiteful?
No I don't want to see Hoons on our streets but with laws like these you could be labeled a Hoon and have your car confiscated for accidentally breaking traction when pulling away from the lights (dusty or oily surface etc).
I have a problem with the authorities attitudes towards car enthusiasts. I've seen several instances where police are intentionally targeting gatherings of cars because it's an easy result. They are always going to be able to find something wrong and issue tickets. They seem to have trouble differentiating between groups of enthusiasts and groups of street racers and put us all in the same boat.
The media is partly to blame. Every time there is a fatality that involves street racing they report it as Drag Racing wihich is a perfectly legitimate motorsport and probably one of the safest in the world.
The Hoons deserve an arse kicking but the rest of us responsible drivers shouldn't lose our freedoms because of them.
Mike Murphy
Melbourne Australia
Last edited by Aussie Mike; 05-06-2008 at 12:49 AM..