Originally Posted by wtm442
Wow. Just what I want to do. Load up my dirty greasy plugs with sand, and then hope all the sand falls out before I put them back in the engine.
I'll continue to put a new set of plugs for about $15 into the engine once a year.
I don't do this very much, but I hate throwing away a set of plugs that go for 4 bucks each..............those are the plugs for my POS race car.... I use new plugs in it and keep the old plugs for my lawn mower and company car(Toyota), which uses the same spark plug......
after cleaning,I blow them out with compressed air and look down into each on with a flashlight to make sure everything is clean in there before putting them on the lawn mower or my Toyota......
BTW; the Toyota has 382,000+ miles as of today, I doubt a little grit is going to hurt that engine now.....