Thanks for the compliments on KMP #142. Actually, I was quite happy with the number of hits that the auction got at the end of the day, and tend to believe that if you are looking for a car like this one, you will find it, but do agree that covering all your bases description-wise is also a smart thing to do. Lots of foreign interest, but glad she will remain in the U.S.
RodKnock: You are so right. I think the real bargains in 911's are the 3.0 and 3.2 liter cars from about 1982 - 1988. The earlier 911's prices are going thru the roof, and its hard to find nice solid cars, but I don't believe Porsche ever built a better car than that 3.0/3.2 series. A true 911 that is fast, well made, comfortable and generally free of the tin worm, thanks to their "long life" rustproofing efforts in the late 70's.
Excaliber: Thanks for your comments. You truly do "get it"
Bill: Unlikely I will do another car of any type, as I am looking to down-size and simplify a bit as I get older.
I do enjoy antique motorcycles and currently ride a 1948 Indian Chief, and would truly like to find a old unrestored pre-war Chief. But like everything else in this overheated collector market, they are getting harder to find, and when you do, they are astronomically priced. So unless I get lucky, I will just have to hop on the 48 and enjoy it until I get too old and fall off.....
All the best.