Originally Posted by Gas40
If you decide to rent a trailer from these guys PM me and I"ll see if we can get together and compare notes I am building a CRII also and I am just down the street from their lot George
Sure no problem. Right now I'm planning on picking up a trailer on Friday June 6th. After I get the trailer I'll be heading to my body-shop guy in St. Charles to pick up the body.
As to comparing notes.....
I'd be more than happy to tell you what I want this to turn out to be, but I got really lucky and Ed/DV Combs is doing most of the build in his shop in Michigan. DV is the guy who shoehorned a Viper V10 into a CRII and as far as I'm concerned the leading authority on Classic Roadsters. He is very active over in the CR forum dishing out his years of knowledge on this kit.
Let me know if you want to get together on the 6th of June. I would be more than happy to meet another CRII owner.