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Our government at work... they just don't get it...
They had mileage quotas in place after the mid seventies and let them slide... We should be achieving mileage in the 50mpg area by now...
They're mandating new light bulbs that are a nightmare to dispose of to save energy.
However, they're mandating TV's that require four times the energy to operate... Are they serious????
Mid 70's..........
Gas went from 35 cents to 65 cents a gallon during that period... I called the service station owners (at that time they were "service stations") everything vile thing I could think off and swore I'd never be back... I don't know how my kids are going to handle this...
Home heating will break people this winter... They're talking about prices doubling which means it'll triple... Fork em'
I'm rambling again,,,
Last edited by casaleenie; 05-21-2008 at 08:55 AM..