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This is just the way I look at it, and explain it to people that ask.
An original is any car prior to 68.
A replica is a factory built car after 68 that resemblies an original. The extent of how closely it resemblies is an original is not that important to me. That is for the buyer to determine and decide on.
A kit is a car that is shipped in pieces to the owner/buyer and is assemblied by that person or a company that he/she has contracted to do the work.
Some companies sell both replicas and kit cars. I personally find some level of confidence in a replica over a kit car, due to the factory having some form of quality control in place during the manufacturing process. That generally will not exist in a home built kit car. Not saying that kit cars are bad. There are some very detail orientated people out there that will build a very high quality car. But then there are some that will just slap it together and call it good.